Hire .NET core Developer

Hire .NET Core Developer

.NET Core developers of TechExtensor are experts in designing, creating, and implementing scalable and reliable cross-platform applications using the .NET Core framework.

Why choose .NET Core developers?

These programmers contribute to contemporary software development projects by utilizing the open-source and modular characteristics of Hire .NET core Developer to construct effective, high-performance programs that can operate on several platforms.

Cross-Platform Compatibility

Because .NET Core is cross-platform, developers may create apps that work with Linux, macOS, and Windows. Because of this versatility, businesses may launch apps on many operating systems and connect with a larger audience.

High Performance

.NET Core is designed with performance in mind, offering quicker execution times and better use of available resources. More scalable and responsive applications may arise from this, improving user experience overall.


Since Core is open-source, using it doesn’t need to pay a license price. Businesses may save money using this, especially compared to other enterprise-level frameworks.


.NET Core is compatible with some programming languages, mainly C#. Because of this flexibility, developers may use the advantages of the.NET ecosystem by selecting the language that best meets the project’s needs.

How do .NET Core DevelopersWork?

Using the.NET Core framework, developers create, construct, and manage software applications. This summarises the standard procedure for Hire .NET Core Developer USA.

Configuring the Environment

Installing the required tools, such as Visual Studio or Visual Studio Code, depending on the IDE of choice, is part of setting up the development environment.

Design of Applications

When designing the software architecture, take performance, maintainability, and scalability into account.

Working Together and Communicating

Collaborate closely with other team members, including quality assurance engineers, database administrators, and front-end developers.

Steps To Hire .NET Developers

Throughout the software development life cycle, Hire .NET core Developer UK works closely with other team members and modifies their workflow to meet the project’s unique requirements. They frequently employ agile or iterative development approaches.

Select different engagement models to hire iPhone developers for quick scalability, cost savings, expertise, and experience.

Engagement Model To Hire .NET Core Developer

Full-Time Hiring
Part-Time Hiring
Hourly Hiring
View Hire

8 Hours

4 Hours

Hourly Basis

Hiring Period (Min)

1 Month

1 Month

25 Hours

Hiring Period (Min)



Phone, Chat, E-mail

Project Trackers

Daily Reports, Basecamp, Jira, Redmine etc.

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If you want to know more about Hire .NET core Developer USA  and have a few questions, we are here to clear your doubts. Go through these FAQs, which most of our clients have asked through various testimonials.

Entity Framework Core is a popular Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) framework used by Hire .NET core Developer USA for database interactions. By enabling developers to deal with database entities using C# code rather than using raw SQL queries, it streamlines database operations.

An open-source, cross-platform framework called Core exists, although the conventional.NET Framework is mostly developed for Windows applications. Because of its modular design and lightweight nature, Hire .NET core Developer UK is a great choice for developing cross-platform apps.

Because of its versatility, Hire .NET core Developer may create various applications, including desktop, cloud-based, online, API, and microservice applications. Because of its modular design, it may be used in a variety of development scenarios.

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